How to get rid of headaches?

How to get rid of headaches?

They can affect the whole head or just a specific area. They can appear short-term and acute, recurring episodically at intervals of weeks or months, or persistent, i.e. chronic. The severity, type, and occurrence of headaches vary widely. Sometimes they are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or visual disturbances. In the following article, we get to know about How to get rid of headaches? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

In total, there are more than 200 types of headaches. The most common are:

  • Tension headache
  • migraine

Tension headache 

Anyone who suffers from tension headaches reports dull and pressing pain to get rid of headaches, which usually begins in the forehead or neck area and radiates over the whole head. The pain often goes away after a short time. But there are also chronic forms.

Tension headaches can have a number of causes:

  • Tension in the muscles in the head, neck, or shoulder area
  • Stress suppressed aggression or conflict


A migraine attack is often accompanied by a severe headache. This is not only painful but also very debilitating. It thumps, pulsates, and stings. The pain is usually one-sided, and it often changes the side of the head during the attack. Migraine attacks recur at irregular intervals. Some people only have migraines once or twice a year. Others suffer from migraines several times a month or almost every day. In some cases, the attacks only last a few hours, sometimes even up to three days.

Other symptoms can include loss of appetite, nausea, and sensitivity to noise, light, and smells. Any physical exertion makes the pain worse. Then the only thing that helps is to go to bed.

Doctors basically differentiate between two types of migraine attacks: migraines without aura and migraines with aura. A migraine aura is a neurological failure. Sufferers see halos and zigzag shapes, hear beeps and voices or have difficulty finding words just before the migraine attacks start. In some people who have aura phenomena, the headache is also completely absent.

Characteristics to get rid of headaches

Both the causes of migraines without aura and migraines with aura have not yet been fully researched. What is certain, however, is that genes can play a role to get rid of headaches. Researchers also believe that:

  • Certain messenger substances in the brain are imbalanced – such as serotonin, noradrenaline, and CGRP (calcitonin-gene-related peptides) to get rid of headaches. This increases the sensitivity of blood vessels to pain in the head.
  • If you have a migraine, small blood vessels in the brain called arterioles are inflamed.
  • The pain inhibition in the brain stem works less well.

There are also certain triggers that can cause a migraine, such as:

  • Hormone fluctuations in women over the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle
  • Changes in the sleep-wake rhythm
  • stress
  • Loss of tension
  • Environmental influences such as mountain air, cold, noise or flickering light

Tension headache or migraine?

Then the doctor will do a physical exam to get rid of headaches. It scans the face and neck muscles to rule out the tension as the cause. He will check whether you can hear and see well or whether there are any defects in the nerves to get rid of headaches. The balance, coordination, and reflexes of arms and legs are also put to the test. For most types of headaches, a physical exam is sufficient to make a diagnosis to get rid of headaches. If necessary, this is followed by a neurological examination. 

What to do – against a headache?

The vast majority of patients – more than 90 percent – suffer from so-called primary headaches. I. E. The headache itself is a condition that needs treatment.

In principle, primary headache disorders such as migraine attacks with and without aura and tension headache can be treated by the patient himself to get rid of headaches. For mild or moderate headaches, natural remedies from the medicine cabinet, such as peppermint oil for headaches, as well as over-the-counter pain relievers to get rid of headaches, usually help to relieve the symptoms quickly.

If, on the other hand, the pain occurs very strongly, for the first time longer or in an unusual form, you should always have it clarified first to get rid of headaches. In these cases, do not experiment with home remedies or over-the-counter pain relievers without consulting your doctor. If in doubt, it is always advisable to see a doctor.

Heat, cold, or oils

A tried and tested home remedy for tension headaches is warmth. Cramped neck muscles can, for. B. by placing a warm cherry stone pillow or a hot shower spray better blood circulation and relaxation. Alternative healing methods can also support the therapy for migraines. These include acupuncture, manual migraine treatments to get rid of headaches, or home remedies such as heat and cold. A cold arm or foot immersion bath constricts the blood vessels in the arms or feet, and thus reflexively the arteries in the head, which are painfully stretched. For some, it also helps to put cool compresses directly on the forehead.

Other migraine sufferers benefit from warmth. A warm full bath, e.g. B. with rosemary or spruce needle, can stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscles to get rid of headaches. Even if migraine home remedies provide relief from the symptoms, their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven.

Peppermint oil also has pain-relieving effects. To do this, the diluted oil (ten percent peppermint oil) is applied over a large area to the temples and forehead to get rid of headaches. Caution: Essential oils are not suitable for small children.

If you often suffer from tension headaches, you should also do breathing or relaxation exercises on a regular basis. This is not only good prevention but can also reduce the pain during treatment.

Help with headaches and migraines

In the case of a headache, those affected quickly take a tablet to get the pain under control. However, the following applies to all over-the-counter pain medication: really only when needed, only for a short time, and in an appropriate dose individually. It is important to adhere to the dosage indicated on the package insert. Excessive use can pose health risks.

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